Hlavní sponzoři:

Průmyslová keramika         Promat         RHI Magnesita         Fireclay


Conference program (pdf)


Conference application:


Preliminary registration until March 31, 2024:

Non-member: 550 EUR 

Member/student:  350 EUR

Peer-reviewed article in AIP Proceedings: 100 EUR 

Accompanying person: 250 EUR 


Late registration from April 1, 2024:

Non-member: 650 EUR 

Member/student:  450 EUR

Peer-reviewed article in AIP Proceedings: 100 EUR 

Accompanying person: 350 EUR 


The conference fee covers the expenses associated with the organization of the conference, reception, refreshments, and social events. The accommodation is not included. 



Titles, First Name, Surname /Tituly, jméno, příjmení :

Company / Společnost :

E-mail :

Billing address (Street, Town, Country, ZIP code) / Fakturační adresa (Ulice, Město, Stát, PSČ) :

VAT Number / IČ + DIČ :

Notes to organisers / Vzkaz pořadatelům :

I will have a presentation or poster / Budu mít prezentaci nebo poster :

Yes / Ano         No / Ne

I am the member of The Czech Ceramic Society / Jsem členem Silikátové společnosti České republiky :

Yes / Ano         No / Ne

I am a student in bachelor, master or Ph.D. program / Jsem studentem bakalářského, magisterského nebo doktorského studijního program :

Yes / Ano         No / Ne

I have read and agree with the Terms And Conditions / Četl jsem a souhlasím s Podmínkami účasti :

Yes / Ano


Terms And Conditions / Podmínky účasti


All cancellations and modifications of registration must be made in writing by e-mail to the secretariat of The Czech Ceramic Society.


Postponement or cancellation of the conference:

If the event is cancelled for any reason the participant will receive a 100% refund of their payment. If the event is postponed for any reason, and the participant is unable or unwilling to attend on a rescheduled date, the participant will receive a 100% refund of their payment.


Transfer of registration:

All fully paid registrations are transferable to other persons from the same organization if the registered participant is unable to attend the event. Transfers must be made by the registered participant in writing by e-mail to the secretariat of The Czech Ceramic Society. 


Refund Policy:

If the registered participant is unable to attend and is not in a position to transfer their participation to another person, the following refund arrangements apply:

2008 - 2025 © Silikátová společnost České republiky z.s. | | Počet návštěvníků: 135843